Plastic Coops

Every chicken lover should know that there are plastic chicken coops such as the Eglu (made by Omlet) on the market.I ended up buying an Eglu Go due to Red Mite, my problems with this pest was endless due to small hiding places between the sides of the wooden coop. Buying a plastic coop was an expensive but effective solution as there are no places for the mite to hide and even then can just be hosed off in a summer clean.

  • Being clean- as being plastic you can really quickly hose down that dirt
  • No Wood Treatment- prevent that yearly cost of wood treatment
  • Long Life- Plastic is more durable than wood
  • Removable Plastic perches, which means you can keep the underside clean and remove parasites
  • Insulation
  • PREVENTS RED MITE - a non porous surface prevents these little blighter
  • Some are made from recycled plastic adding that extra ECO feel to your house and garden

However, bear in mind the plastic does cost a huge amount more and their appearance may not suit your traditional liking! They are more suitable for domestic keepers because of this.
