Broken eggs

Are you finding cracked eggs in your nesting box?  This is a fairly common problem and by following these solutions you should soon have nothing to worry about!  There are a number of reasons for broken shells.

1. Your chickens are not having enough calcium in their diet therefore producing shells that crack easily. This is quite an easy problem to solve. Simply buy some specially made oyster shell and this will help the chicken’s deficiency.
2. There could be too many chickens in one egg box. Overcrowding can could extra pressure on the eggs’ shell and force them to break. There should be about no more than four hens for each nesting box. If there is one box that is favoured over the others try and darken that area as it will prevent overcrowding. Also remember to collect the eggs every day!
3.Are your hens bored? Chickens who free range appear to be lee susceptible to egg breaking. Possibly because they are more busy e.g. digging for worms. In this case, try hanging fresh food e.g. cabbage from the top of the coop (so they have to jump to reach it). Alternatively you may purchase a pecking block which would also help any calcium deficiencies.
4.If you find it’s your hens pecking at the egg therefore cracking them try removing the eggs as soon as possible and replace with fake eggs.
Please comment if you have any questions. Good Luck!