If you have forgotten what battery farming is ....
- Battery hens often have less 0.6 square feet space in their cages which is smaller then a regular A4 piece of paper.
- Their beaks are often removed to prevent them from pecking each other in high stressed and often starving conditions as the manufacturers save money.
- their cages are indoors, they are packed closely together in artificial light. Their claws often grow painfully long because they aren't allowed outdoors.
- Manufacturers also save money by forcing the hens to molt (lose their feathers) to promote recovery of the reproductive tract so that the quality of eggs are improved. Although this is not allowed in the UK this is still practiced in other countries. The hens are starved for 2 weeks and given little maybe no water in order to shock their bodies. It is common for up to 10% of hens to die in this cruel process.
- Hens are killed after 2 years when their egg production begins to drop, the Battery Hen Welfare Trust is a charity that hopes to re-home some of these hens.
Therefore, to try and battle this problem the BHWT along with me is campaigning for "manufactures to add country of origin and production method labelling information to ingredients list by name i.e. Ingredients: barn egg (UK), free-range egg (UK), colony egg (UK), conventional caged egg (non-EU)."
This information will help inform us consumers where our food has come from and hopefully reinforce to manufacturers how much we believe in hens having a comfortable, free range lifestyle.
To do this we require your help. Please contact your local parliamentary representative with this (sample letter provided by BHWT) or your own letter in support of the campaign:
I am writing to seek your support for a British Hen Welfare Trust (BHWT) campaign seeking the implementation of a production method labelling scheme for foods with egg as an ingredient across the EU.
The BHWT supports egg farmers farming to high welfare standards, and wishes to see farming remain strong in the EU where there is a desire to continue to improve welfare standards for laying hens.
The BHWT is concerned about a competitive threat to the EU egg industry (following the implementation of the EU laying hen’s directive) from (a) food products manufactured from eggs produced in non-compliant systems in the EU and (b) food products manufactured from eggs produced in conventional cage systems outside of the EU. The liquid egg and egg products sectors are most at risk of importing and using product, and the most difficult to monitor.
These issues have been highlighted as major areas of concern by the British Egg Industry Council, British Free Range Egg Producers Association, British Egg Products Association, NFU Cymru and a UK parliamentary committee investigating the implications of the welfare of egg laying hen’s directive for the egg industry. British Egg Industry Council figures suggest it will be cheaper to produce egg powder in countries such as the US and India and export to Europe than to produce within the EU.
To counteract this problem, the BHWT is seeking your support for the implementation of a production method labelling scheme for foods with egg as an ingredient. Such a scheme will empower consumers with necessary information to support compliant egg farmers from EU member states.
The BHWT proposes such a scheme would require manufactures to add country of origin and production method labelling information to ingredients list by name i.e. Ingredients: barn egg (UK), free-range egg (UK), colony egg (UK), conventional caged egg (non-EU).
If products contain egg from conventional cage systems from outside of the EU this will be marked on the ingredient list. This labelling will minimise the impact of egg product produced in either non-compliant systems within the EU or conventional caged systems outside of the EU, entering the EU and undermining compliant egg farmers, helping to alleviate the problem which has been identified as a threat to the egg industry.
I am seeking your support for the adoption of such labelling and would like to include your name on the BHWT website as a supporter for this campaign.
Yours sincerely
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