Apple Cider Vinegar- A Chickens Miracle Grow!

ACV is produced from red apples containing a rich variety of vitamins and minerals including Potassium, Phosphorous, Iron and vit A, C, E. All these ingredients are known to be a general health booster to your poultry by strengthening their immune system. Because the liquid is slightly acidic, its low pH can aid against infections and parasites. ACV is toxic to Canker for example caused by Trichomoniasis Protozoa. The Potassium also controls the build up of Calcium in the blood vessels which can prevent the production of soft shelled eggs laid by hens. I recommend you use this product and dilute it part 1:10 in clean, fresh water.  This means it wont taste so acidic to put the birds off drinking, but yet they still gain the benefits. Some keepers at poultry shows are also known to dab their chickens feathers with ACV to remove grease and add an attractive sheen, therefore you could use this to clean any clumps of dirt off feathers on your hens. Don't use ACV with metal drinkers as its acidic properties can corrode and damage the containers. For domestic keepers you can get ACV from Pets At Home ACV is £5 for 500 ml, however it is easily bought cheaper in large quantities at about £10 for 5 liters.

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